Coaching Tip #33

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Tagged – Tip of the Week, Coaching Practice, Season Management

Many, many thousands of things happen in the daily life of a team.  Some of these things are avoidable.  Some of these things are deliberate.  Some of these things are meaningless.  Some of these things are important.   All of the things that happen in the daily life of a team have one thing in common.  They are done.  You can’t change them.  They have already happened.

But those things that have happened need not rule the future.  What determines the future is how you react to those things.  When a win happens, enjoy the moment then keep working to improve.  When a loss happens, don’t dwell on it, keep working to improve.  When conflict happens, get to the heart of it, move on and don’t hold grudges.  In life there is only one possible direction you go: forwards.  Coaching is part of life.

Whatever happens, happens.  Your reaction is what matters.

The collection of Coaching Tips can be found here.

Read about the great new Vyacheslav Platonov coaching book here.Cover v2


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